Corona Rücktrittsrecht Stornobedingungen Einreisebestimmungen

Information on Covid 19

All questions about your free right of withdrawal, cancellation conditions and entry requirements in connection with Corona and the trips of Held Adventure are answered here.

Will I get my travel price refunded if the trip cannot be carried out?

Yes, if the trip is not feasible due to the corona situation, you have a free right of withdrawal and you will be reimbursed 100% of the travel costs. This includes travel warnings, entry restrictions, quarantine regulations and flight bans.

Can I cancel free of charge if a travel warning has been issued for the country of our destination?

A travel warning is to be assumed if a security risk of level 5 or 6 applies to the destination country. You can then cancel free of charge. In the case of a security risk level 4, one does not speak of a travel warning, so free cancellation is not possible

Does Held Adventure offer a replacement program if a trip is not feasible due to corona restrictions?

Yes, we understand that you have reserved the time period for a trip. You can be sure that we can also offer an accessible alternative destination at short notice.

When should I book the flight for my trip with Held Adventure?

In principle, the earlier I book, the cheaper my flight. However, if I am not allowed to enter my destination country due to the corona situation, my ticket will expire. I cannot insure myself against it either.

We recommend booking the flight shortly before the start of the journey. We can observe how the corona situation and the countermeasures are developing and, if necessary, also reschedule.

What does Held Adventure do to minimize the risk of corona infection during his travels?

We recommend that all of our participants take a PCR test shortly before departure or arrival. So you can be sure that you are not endangering anyone and vise versa the risk to get infected yourself is minimized.

Another advantage of a current PCR test is that we are well prepared for short-term changes to entry and quarantine regulations.

Will I also be reimbursed for the cost of the flight?

The airline or travel agency where you booked your flight is obliged to reimburse you for the price of the ticket.

What happens if I get sick shortly before the trip – e.g. Corona – and I can’t go on the trip?

In this case, your travel insurance would cover the cancellation costs and you would be credited with the deposit and, in this case, the whole balance. We recommend all our guests to take out travel insurance when booking.

Does a negative PCR test guarantee entry into Norway or Iceland without quarantine?

At the moment, a negative PCR test is not enough to get an exception from quarantine.

In Iceland you have to be tested on arrival and a second time after 5 days. A 10-day quarantine must be kept in Norway. However, departure after one week is permitted.

What do the quarantine regulations in Norway and Iceland mean for us?

We are allowed to travel from the airport to our accommodation. We will avoid contact with others on site. In contrast to Austria, in quarantine it is very possible to stay outdoors as long as the minimum distance is maintained. We’ll keep you up to date here.